Minggu, 01 Januari 2012


Elegi Guru Menggapai Perubahan
Oleh Dr. Marsigit M.A.

kesimpulan membaca
oleh: Tri Harjianto (08305141009)

Change is always there because there is space and time.
change is the awareness of space, time, direction, potential and facts.
Changes will be meaningful if the change is meaningful also for others.
the conditions for change: to have awareness, intention and motivation, the reason for change, an understanding of the changes, try and belatih, always reflect on yourself.
How to build a partnership for change, namely: budayakanlah cooperation, do experiments, make sure your expectations, be honest and be open, caring for others and the environment, always discover the wisdom of any event, think positive, always Iklhas, do a fine spirit.
Changes have occurred due to the change or innovation is truly sunatullah. amen

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